Anyone concerned about a child or youth’s behavior — including parents, caregivers, pediatricians, Child Protective Services (CPS), social workers, teachers, Healthy Start coordinators, school counselors, and other mental health professionals should call Sacramento County Child ACCESS Team at 916-875-1055 or go to the Sacramento County Access Team website Mental Health Access Team ( to view the Adult & Child Provider Walk-In Hours List. You may also call our River Oak main line (916) 609-5100.
River Oak encourages you to consider a referral if a child or youth’s behavior is impairing how they function at home, school, or in the community.
Examples include:
- Disruptive behaviors
- Poor school performance
- Significant conflict with friends/classmates, siblings, parents, and teachers
- Challenging life experiences, including trauma and abuse
When you call, you will be asked to provide information about the situation so that they can determine need and eligibility for behavioral health services. Full-scope Medi-Cal coverage is required for services.
At this time you may request services through River Oak Center for Children as your provider of choice.
- Early Head Start Home Visitation for qualification and enrollment information:
- Pregnant moms and families with children ages 0-3 and foster families with a child 0-3 are eligible. Children with special needs or diagnosed disabilities are welcomed. Federal family income guidelines for Head Start Programs apply (foster children ages 0-3 qualify regardless of foster parents’ income)
- Jocelyn O’neal (916) 226-2723
- Birth and Beyond Family Resource Center for program information:
- No income qualifications are applied to participate in programs。 Parenting classes meeting court requirements are offered at no cost to the family. Home Visitation, Parenting Workshops, School Readiness and Crisis Intervention advocacy and resources are also offered at no cost。(916) 226-2725