Q: Is River Oak a nonprofit organization?
A: River Oak Center for Children is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization as defined by the Internal Revenue Service. Our tax identification number is 94-2519001.
Q: What does River Oak Center for Children do?
A: River Oak Center for Children is a nonprofit provider of behavioral health therapeutic services in Sacramento, serving more than 1,100 children a day. With programs that work and clinicians that care, River Oak meets the highest quality standards of professionalism for a nonprofit organization in the Sacramento area that serves children and youth.
Q: Who is eligible to receive services from River Oak?
A: River Oak’s programs serve children and youth ages birth to 21 and their families in Sacramento County. Most families are low-income, and 90% are Medi-Cal eligible. The Sacramento County Child Access Team at 916-875-1055 refers all clients receiving services through River Oak.
Q: Who pays for River Oak services?
A: River Oak’s behavioral health programs and services are provided through reimbursement agreements with Sacramento County Department of Behavioral Health Services, Sacramento County Probation Department, the First 5 Sacramento Commission and other county, state and federal agencies.
River Oak’s proven programs depend on a family’s ability to stay on track and in treatment despite the occurrence of short-term set backs. Through our privately funded, Family Endowment Program, we can offer essentials not funded through government resources such as emergency support, scholarships and enrichment opportunities, and tools for success.
Q: What’s so important about research-based proven programs also known as evidence-based?
A: According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, an evidence-based practice is defined as “Approaches to prevention or treatment that are based in theory and have undergone scientific evaluation. ‘Evidence-based’ stands in contrast to approaches that are based on tradition, convention, belief, or anecdotal evidence.”
River Oak has taken a leadership position among other nonprofits in the Greater Sacramento area in implementing research-based practices and providing proven programs because we are committed to only the highest quality and most effective treatment and services to the children, youth, and families we serve.
Q: Is River Oak accredited?
A: River Oak is accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JACHO), an agency that monitors the quality of patient care at hospitals and health-care organizations, in recognition of River Oak’s continuous efforts to offer the best quality of care to children and their families. The agency was first accredited in 2003 and was re-accredited in 2006, 2009, 2012, 2015, 2018, and 2022. Only a few nonprofit organizations not affiliated with large hospital systems have been given such recognition.
In addition, River Oak is a member of the California Council of Community Mental Health Agencies, the California Alliance of Child and Family Services, the National Council for Community Behavioral Healthcare, and the Alliance for Children and Families.
Q: Is it possible to volunteer at River Oak?
A: Due to confidentiality reasons, River Oak offers limited opportunities for direct volunteer involvement with our children and youth.
Most volunteer opportunities center around community events with staff and family members present. We especially look for help during the winter holiday season with activities such as toy drives, giving trees, holiday baskets, and the Santa’s workshop event in December.
If you would like to volunteer with River Oak, please contact Michael Peralta at mperalta@riveroak.org or 916-609-5100.
Q: Does River Oak need in-kind donations?
A: Yes! River Oak is always in need of items for our children, youth and their families. Throughout the year, individuals and businesses generously donate backpacks and back-to-school supplies; hygiene supplies, diapers, formula, bedding, cookware, and other basic items to our Family Endowment, Helping Hand Fund. To make an in-kind donation, please contact Michael Peralta at mperalta@riveroak.org or 916-609-5100.
Q: How can people donate to River Oak?
A: Thank you for your interest in donating to River Oak! There are several easy ways to make a donation. You can make a secure financial donation online or, if you prefer, you can download our donation form and mail it with your credit card information or your check to:
River Oak Center for Children
5445 Laurel Hills Drive
Sacramento, CA 95841
ATTN: Accounting Department
Q: Can I donate to River Oak through United Way?
A: River Oak is proud to be a United Way Certified Agency Partner, which means that our agency has met strict guidelines to ensure that all donations received through the United Way are used in the most efficient and responsible manner. If you would like to give to River Oak through the United Way, or through your employer’s United Way campaign, please make sure to indicate our agency’s number (3088) on the donation form.
Q: How do I find out about employment opportunities?
A: You can learn about current openings at River Oak by visiting our career page.